CILC 2006

Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale

26-27 giugno 2006
Aula Hume, Dipartimento di Informatica,
Via Orabona 4, Bari

Call for papers
Comitato di programma
Comitato organizzatore
Date importanti

Relazione invitata

Iscrizione al convegno
Informazioni logistiche

Foto del convegno


Francesca A. Lisi
Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Bari

abstract in pdf       slide in pdf

Learning Rules on top of Ontologies: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach

New challenging application areas like the Semantic Web require the definition of rules on top of ontologies. Hybrid systems for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) that combine (fragments of) Horn clausal logic and Description Logics, notably AL-log, have been invented to provide one such unified framework for dealing with both relational and structural data. Yet acquiring hybrid rules is a demanding and time-consuming task. It can be (partially) automated by applying Machine Learning algorithms, more precisely those ones following the approach known under the name of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP).

In this seminar I shall present a general framework for learning rules on top of ontologies that adopts the methodological apparatus of ILP within the KR&R setting of AL-log. Also I shall briefly discuss an ILP system that implements an instantiation of the framework and the preliminary results of its application in the Semantic Web context.

Pagina a cura di
Bruna Di Nanna